Become the Next Big Star in the #Stepintoyourdream dance contest from SamsungMobileNG

Have you been dancing in your room, class and amongst
your friends and all you have being getting is ‘Wow!

You can really dance’ now is the time to Step into your
dream of showing to the world that you are the best
dancer around!
Samsung Electronics West Africa in Collaboration with
Reminsce is giving everyone with great dancing skills an
opportunity to be the next big Dance Star with her
competition #StepIntoYourDreamNG.Contestants from all over Nigeria are to record a 15
second video that shows them dancing to any of
Reminsce’s Song, Upload the video on instagram
with the hashtag StepIntoYourDreamNG, tag
@samsungmobileng and follow
Contestants are to get their friends and family to
Vote for their entry. 10 entries with the highest
likes will be shortlisted and Reminsce will pick 3
contestants to feature in his next music
video.These top contestants will also win Gift
Bags from Samsung Mobile Nigeria. Entry Closes
November 16, 2015.
The Phone that inspired this campaign idea is
another great piece from Samsung Electronics
West Africa . Its 4.3” super amoled screen is
super sharp like an HD Television display. It has
a 2MP front camera and a 5MP back camera with
a durable battery that lasts for longer hours.
Added to this is that the Samsung Galaxy J1 Ace
is very affordable. The Samsung Galaxy J1 Ace
also has a 1.2GHz processor, 4G internal memory
and a 512RAM.
Visit the nearest Samsung Brand Store and all
authorised dealer shops nationwide to buy one

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